Bernhard and Janet

We both worked more than 30 years in the field of Chinese Medicine and have seen and treated many clients during our life as practitioners. We decided to change the course of our life and find a place where we could integrate our wish for being and living in close connection to nature and our skills as professionals in complementary healthcare.

The Gers in France has been an area which had great attraction to us during many years, and we decided to have a look if we could find a home for us and our animals, which would also be suitable for manifesting the small retreat center that we had been dreaming of.

Since 2021 we live in France and have transformed our home into a small retreat center. Here you are welcomed to stay, relax and enjoy the life in the French countryside. Here you will meet our dear animal friends and the tranquility of the rolling hills of the Gers. We are happy to welcome you here and share this wonderful place and the possibility to have the experience of spaciousness and tranquility, to have some guidance, treatments and Taiji/Qigong practices.

Janet Holtkamp
In my practice I weave the knowledge gathered during my life. This has resulted in a profound understanding of the interconnectedness of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels of being.
In the more than 30 years of work I have gathered different modalities that are part of Chinese Medicine. With the use of these modalities, that can change the vibration, the person that comes to my practice can benefit from them for healing.
What is most important for me as practitioner, is that through this guidance, the client will be able to empower their intrinsic ability for healing.

Bodywork; massage, exercises
Chinese Medicine with the use of needles, moxa, aroma therapy, gemstones, dietary guidance, exercises, ceremonies, vibrational medicine, herbs, lifestyle guidance
Energywork; aura healing and reading, energy exercises, tarot reading
Cranio-sacral therapy as a way to unwind the energy blockages created through physical or emotional trauma’s in the life 

Curriculum Janet

1979 -1984:  Physical Therapy
1988 - 1991:  European University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (EUTCM, Netherlands)
1991 - 1996:  CICO: Energy work: Basic self exploring courses
                 Healing education
                 Aura reading education
1997 - 2018:  Exploring the Shamanic and Ceremonial field with my Native American Shamanic
                  teacher Donna Talkingleaves
2012 - 2015:  Cranio Sacral Education - Upledger Institute
2000 - 2002: Studying Stems and Branches (concept of Chinese Medicine)
2002 - now:   Studying with Jeffrey Yuen, Daoist Priest and Shamanic teacher

Life experience as a mother: 1989 and 1994; my son and daughter came into my life

1984 - 1991:  Working as Physiotherapist
1991 - now:   Working as practitioner of Chinese Medicine
2015 - now:   Working as Cranio-sacral Therapist

2007 - 2009:  Teaching at Anglo Dutch Chinese Medicine
2006:            Teaching one week intensives for students of Chinese medicine in the   
2007:            idem
2012:            idem
2009:           Teaching Stems and Branches in Switzerland at Chiway

And now:
2020 - 2022:  Building our Center in the Gers in France

2023: A new beginning, rooted in the years of experience and offered for the benefit of those that are feeling resonance to come to our new place. 

Bernhard Nessensohn
When I was in my twenties I traveled to the United States where I ended up in a community of Native Americans. The elder of this beautiful place was Grandfather Semu Huaute. He had created a place where everybody could be who they are and in this they could find their inner peace.
After a moon of staying at his place, Grandfather ‘suggested’ I should go back to Europe and do what they did in the great place in California. It has taken me a long journey to come to the point to bring to fruition the ‘dream’ that Grandfather had sown.
The dream to provide a place where people can come to find tranquility and peace and have time to come back to themselves.
Through my life-experience and the modalities that I learned over the years, I hope to help people that come to our place, to find their authentic selves.

Taiji and Qigong
Energywork based on Chinese Medicine with the use of needles, moxa, gemstones, vibrational medicine, hands on and Yangsheng guidance 

Curriculum Bernhard


1970 - 1975:   Teacher education for public school
1989 - 1991:    Education for naturopath in Munich at school for naturopathy Lotz
1991 - 1994:    Study of Chinese Medicine at the Academy of Chinese Healing Arts in Winterthur 
                   CREAT exam
1994:             Internship Institute of Traditional Medicine Clinic in Ho Chi Min City
1995 - 1999:   QiGong-Teacher education mit Grandmaster Li Zhi-Chang (YiQiGong) and Liu 
                   Qingshan (shibashi) at „Institut für Psychosomatik und QiGong“ in Baar (CH)
1997:             Approbation as naturopath in Appenzell (CH)
2000:            Taijiquan formation in St.Gallen with Sifu Zhu Shaofan
2000- 2004:   Stems & Branches with Peter vanKervel and Joan Duveen Luo Meridians and Qi 
                    Jing Ba Mai with Jeffrey Yuen in Switzerland
2002 - 2014:   Exploring Shamanism with Mats Aguilla and Donna TalkingLeaves our Native 
                    American Shamanic Teachers
2012 - 2013:    Basic education Craniosacral therapy - Upledger Intstitut
2005 - now:    Further educations Taijiquan The Hague with Shifu Fei YuLiang and St.Gallen 
                    with Shifu Zhu ShaoFan
2004 - now:    Further educations Chinese Medicine with Master Jeffrey Yuen, Peter Firebrace, 
                    Julian Scott and others

1994 - now:     Practitioner of Chinese Medicine in Switzerland, the Netherlands and now in France
1994 - 2002:   Clinic for children acupuncture in Switzerland

1975 - 1989:    Teaching different classes and grades in public schools
1998 - 2000:   Assistent teacher of Dr. Hamid Montakab Academy of Chinese Healing Arts
2000 - 2016:   one of the main teachers for Chinese Medicine at the Academy of Chinese 
                    Healing Arts, later Chiway
1996 - 2014:    Internship mentor for students
2000 - 2001:  Teacher of Chinese Medicine at Sake Institute, Bern
2012 - 2016:   Training manager Chiway
1999 - now:     Giving courses of Qigong and Taiji in Switzerland, the Netherlands and now in 

Our Renovations

Click on the video 

Taiji Temple




We are  both long time practitioners of Chinese Medicine and are treating people, that are asking for our help



Janet has a profound education in Cranio-Sacaral Therapy and is successfully treating people with this method, combined with the knowledge of other Energywork, like Chinese Medicine



Bernhard is Qigong teacher since 1994 and Taijiquan teacher since 1999. He was teaching for many years classes of Taiji and Qigong in Switzerland and the Netherlands



In our place you can book arrangements with staying in gites or yurte with booking of treatments and/or Taiji or Qigong lessons. We also organise and give different courses.

  • Lieu dit Belloc
  • 32450 Sémézies-Cachan
  • France
  • mail:xindaoretreat@icloud.com 
  • Home:        +33 9 67 26 97 97
  • Janet:         +33 7 87 21 76 66
  • Bernhard:   +33 6 70 98 77 98

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